Areas of Focus

Forests & Biodiversity

Forests are not a mere collection of trees but are complex, biodiverse ecosystems that support human communities, other beings and overall health of the planet. Direct benefits to human communities include the fact that forests are spaces for cultural, spiritual, health, socio-economic and educational activities. NRAN rejects the consideration of forests and all other ecosystems as carbon sinks and the appropriation and manipulation of forests and all Life for carbon trading and carbon offsets. NRAN opposes genetically engineered trees in general but especially for agrofuels and carbon offsets. NRAN supports the rights of indigenous peoples to retain the right to manage and preserve forests and other ecoysytems with all the attendant benefits.

Plantation & Agriculture

Forests are not a mere collection of trees but are complex, biodiverse ecosystems that support human communities, other beings and overall health of the planet. Direct benefits to human communities include the fact that forests are spaces for cultural, spiritual, health, socio-economic and educational activities. NRAN rejects the consideration of forests and all other ecosystems as carbon sinks and the appropriation and manipulation of forests and all Life for carbon trading and carbon offsets. NRAN opposes genetically engineered trees in general but especially for agrofuels and carbon offsets. NRAN supports the rights of indigenous peoples to retain the right to manage and preserve forests and other ecoysytems with all the attendant benefits.

Plantation & Agriculture

Forests are not a mere collection of trees but are complex, biodiverse ecosystems that support human communities, other beings and overall health of the planet. Direct benefits to human communities include the fact that forests are spaces for cultural, spiritual, health, socio-economic and educational activities. NRAN rejects the consideration of forests and all other ecosystems as carbon sinks and the appropriation and manipulation of forests and all Life for carbon trading and carbon offsets. NRAN opposes genetically engineered trees in general but especially for agrofuels and carbon offsets. NRAN supports the rights of indigenous peoples to retain the right to manage and preserve forests and other ecoysytems with all the attendant benefits.

Climate Change

NRAN believes that climate change is a symptom of a systemic failure. The system that drives climate change depends on continuous extraction and burning of fossil fuels, industrial agriculture and over consumption. False solutions are built on principles of market environmentalism and include carbon trading, various types of REDD, Net Zero, decarbonization, nature-based solutions (NBS) geoengineering and modern agricultural genetic engineering. NRAN believes that climate change can only be tackled through system change, including by keeping fossils in the ground.


Extractive activities continue to cause massive deforestation, destruction of lands, poisoning of water bodies and pollution of lands and the atmosphere. Extractivism equally provokes militarisation and displacement of communities. NRAN supports communities in the defence of their territories, including their right to reject exploitative extractive activities, be they on land or in the seas.


Extractive activities continue to cause massive deforestation, destruction of lands, poisoning of water bodies and pollution of lands and the atmosphere. Extractivism equally provokes militarisation and displacement of communities. NRAN supports communities in the defence of their territories, including their right to reject exploitative extractive activities, be they on land or in the seas.

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No-REDD in Africa

NO REDD in Africa Network (NRAN) is a platform of African Civil Society organizations, movements, activists and individuals that oppose all kinds of REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). 

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